Euphyllia hard corals hammer corals torch corals Euphyllia is a species often referred to as and . They have a distinctive appearance that makes them easy to spot. There are several species, each with its own characteristics. Find out all there is to know about the.
All the features of Euphyllia
What does Euphyllia look like?
These corals have large polyps, and their corallites, which are their skeletons, are made from phaceloids, which are distinct, elongated tubes. Individually, they measure just a few centimetres, but can be found in colonies at least a metre across in large massifs. Depending on their species, their shapes and colors can vary to help differentiate them.

Where do hammerhead corals come from?
These hard corals, of which there are more than a dozen uncommon species, are native to the Pacific, Red and Indian Oceans. They live at depths of around 15 meters in waters with little movement. They are not invasive in the places they colonize. These corals are very ancient, having appeared at the same time as the first land mammals.
More information about these torch corals?
These corals are very important for undersea life, as they help to create a diverse reef ecosystem, knowing that the more diverse a reef is, the stronger it is. They are also important economically, culturally and socially for the countries in which they live.
How do you add Euphyllia to your aquarium?
How much does a Euphyllia cost?
The price of these corals, around €50 or more than €200, varies widely according to species, size and quality. It’s possible to find them for as little as €, but the price can easily go up for some of them. You can find them in specialized stores or on the Internet, with delivery available.
Aquarium and water type
No particular importance, but being quite small, it can be placed in the middle.
Water KH should be between 7°d KH and 9°d KH.
The ideal temperature is between 25°C and 28°C.
Calcium and magnesium
Calcium should be between 400 and 450 mg/l and magnesium between 1250 and 1350 mg/l.
How to care for your Euphyllia?
Like theHygrophilas Rosaes, theEuphyllia is easier to maintain in a reef aquarium. It’s a hard coral that can be kept in an aquarium, but a few rules must be observed. Logically, you must have a seawater container. You must also take care to always maintain the right level of KH and Calcium. These corals also need stirring and moderate lighting to stay healthy. Finally, it’s advisable to keep them at least 10 cm away from other plants, as they may burn.
Why add hammerhead corals to an aquarium?
As we said earlier about its impact on the marine ecosystem, its corals have the same impact on your aquarium, so it can be a good thing to own one or more.