Harlequin Rasbora: All about this Eurasian fish

The Harlequin Rasbora is a small fresh water fish also known as Trigonostigma heteromorpha . It is a calm, schooling fish ideal for aquarists. We have carried out extensive research to bring you all the information you need on this beautiful fish.

All the characteristics of the Harlequin Rasbora

What does a Harlequin Rasbora look like?

It’s a small fish measuring 3 to 4 cm with a pinkish-orange color . The second half of its body is dark blue or even black, making it easy to recognize. Males and females are identical, the only difference being that females have a more rounded abdomen because they are slightly stockier. Their fins are silver or orange.

The origins of Trigonostigma heteromorpha

This fish originates from Eurasia, but is mainly found in three Asian countries: Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. They can also be found around Borneo and Sumatra .

Its natural habitat

The Harlequin Rasbora lives in waters with little current and very little depth. In fact, it is generally found less than a meter from the water’s surface. It is found in temperate forest streams with temperatures between 23°C and 26°C .

His lifestyle

This is a schooling fish with many individuals, so it is almost never alone. In fact, in their natural habitat, they can be found in schools of several dozen fish. As far as food is concerned, this is a herbivorous and carnivorous fish. It is also an oviparous species, meaning that it lays eggs in open water in order to reproduce.

How to raise a Harlequin Rasbora in an aquarium?

How much does a Harlequin Rasbora cost?

This is a very common fish, which makes it very inexpensive. The price of a Harlequin Rasbora is around 2 to 4 euros . However, you should bear in mind that this is a schooling fish, so buying just one is far from sufficient.

Aquarium and water type

What does Trigonostigma heteromorpha feed on?

The Harlequin Rasbora is both carnivorous and herbivorous . As with the kingfish , which is also a carnivore, you can feed it small invertebrates or crustaceans. You can also feed it dry fish food such as chaff or pellets. We recommend that you don’t feed him the same food all the time, so that he gets the full nutritional intake he needs to avoid any deficiencies. As far as quantities are concerned, adult fish can be fed just once a day.

How does it live with other fish species?

The Harlequin Rasbora is a calm fish that is easy to live with. However, care must be taken not to associate it with fish that are too large, as this could pose a risk to them. If, however, you wish to have large and small fish in the same aquarium, it is advisable to put the smallest fish in with the others for a while, to limit any risk.

It is also possible for a school of Harlequin Rasboras to merge with another school of similar fish, but this is quite rare and risky. If you have several schooling species, it’s best to have a relatively large aquarium so that the different groups can evolve peacefully.

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